Recreation Department image of Summertime Playground bubble gum contest at Kelley Playground in the early 1990s. Park Leader Pam Jordan judges the bubble gum blowing efforts of Mathew Shepherd and Wendy Brown.
Recreation Department image of volleyball clinic held at Foss Park in the late 1970s-early 1980s. Recreation Supervisor Joe Regan instructs Sherry McGinley, Lisa Dovido, JoAnn Sallese, Kris Pike, Susan Sheehan, Janet Cunningham, Kim Szathmary, and…
Recreation Department image of Summertime Playground 11 August 1986 Inter-playground Track Meet. Jason Nageau of Shaw Playground long jumps while judge and spectators look on.
Recreation Department image of Summertime Playground 1998 Inter-playground Track Meet. Kelley Park celebrates as they win the track meet for the first time in seventy-seven years.
Letter written by Staff Captain and Mrs. George E.S. Ransom, New England Divisional Officers and Adjutant Lillian Henderson, New England Treasurer to the Somerville Board of Health. The letter describes the services offered by the American Rescue…